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Visual Artist &
Art Director


A portfolio of selected drawings, paintings, sculpture, installation, collaborations, and commissions from my body of work.

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A portfolio of both freelance, in-house, and agency art direction for projects ranging from branding, photography, web design, product design, and more.

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Hi, I'm Tate Hollingsworth.

I am a visual artist, art director, and designer based in DFW, TX, working in digital and physical settings to create engaging and unique visuals and environments.

My work is extensive in medium and context, whether it be my personal artwork or a client's project. I am motivated by color, materials, texture, emotions, and the people around me. I have been working in art and design for 8 years, building a diverse portfolio of both artwork and design, a varied client base, and a wealth of experience to deliver successful, compelling art and design solutions, whatever the context may be.

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